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What about CALM?

CALM your lymphatic system!

The therapists at CALM- Carried Away Lymphatic Massage LLC are highly trained in the preparation and recovery from the majority of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures of the face and body including face-lifts, neck-lifts, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow and forehead lifts, and rhinoplasty (nose job), abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), body lift, breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, buttock implants, buttock lift, calf augmentation, liposuction, pectoral implants, thigh lift, and upper arm lift. CALM therapists are certified in recognizing post-operative complications such as pain, edema, bruising, loss of range of motion, impaired mobility and what to do to help with healing of scar tissue and incision scarring. We are trained to recognize the effects of post-operative complications such as infection, poor wound healing, and hematoma. Our certified therapists are knowledgeable in post op recovery procedures to reduce the pain, edema, seromas, fibrosis, bruising, decreased range of motion, impaired ADLs/ mobility, and scarring that occurs after cosmetic surgery procedures of the face and body. They can identify and address the psychological issues commonly associated with cosmetic surgery such as pre- and post-surgery anxiety, post-op depression/blues, body dysmorphia, and plastic surgery addiction.


Our therapist are also highly trained and certified to assist in the recovery from reconstructive surgeries where the lymphatic system may be damaged or altered. Our therapist can implement the four components of Complete Decongestive Therapy. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Compression therapy, exercise and skin care. The therapist will be able to differentiate between a variety of peripheral edemas as well as understand the applications, medical indications, and contraindications of MLD and CDT. Additionally, the therapist will be able to establish a CDT treatment plan for individuals with primary or secondary lymphedema and perform the indicated treatment. Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is the most successful treatment for chronic extremity lymphedema. Post mastectomy lymphedema and other related conditions respond extremely well to this gentle, non-invasive, and highly effective therapy. CDT is sometimes referred to as Complete/Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP). The therapist is trained in understanding a damaged lymphatic system and how to perform the necessary treatment.

Who are CALM Therapist?


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